Quail eggs benefits for the body and health are the same for all family members.

Quail eggs are famous for two important properties that they have for health – they do not contain bad cholesterol and have the lowest risk of food allergies of all egg types.

Breeding quail bird
Quail egg contain only HDL cholesterol; it is considered beneficial to health, as opposed to the chicken or another poultry. Improve liver health and prevent complications arising from increasing bad cholesterol in the blood.

Other notable benefits, when consumed regularly, are:

– Strengthening the immune system and prevent infections;
– Prevention and treatment of anemia, due to its high iron content;
– Prevention and treatment of cancer;
– Stimulate sexual potency of men, and their libido and fertility;
– Quickly treating rashes and conjunctivitis;
– Stimulate the harmonious growth of children, due to the multitude of vitamins and minerals they contain;
– Healing of heart disease;
– Improve memory, attention and intellectual abilities;
– Detoxification of the body;
– Weight loss (recommended in slimming diets because it stimulates the metabolic rate, forcing it to burn more fat);
– Improves circulatory system functions;
– Removal of kidney stones, liver or gall bladder;
– Effective in combating hair loss (baldness);
– Cure kidney disease;
– Preventing digestive disorders like gastritis, or gastric, duodenal ulcer.

Quail eggs are successfully used in cosmetics because of their beneficial beauty effects on skin and hair. External use of quail eggs is made by adding their beauty masks for face and hair – with a revitalizing and nourishing action, contributing to improving health, but also the appearance.

More detailed information on quail eggs and their beneficial uses can be found on this site http://benefitsofquaileggs.blogspot.com

Quail eggs can be consumed in normal food, every day, or can be integrated into therapeutic cures for various purposes. During cures, the eggs are eaten raw, many times a day, for a period determined by the purpose of a cure.

Any family member can start cures with raw quail eggs (except pregnant women), but only after receiving the opinion from a doctor. It is important to make a health check before starting a therapy course.